Welcome to the secondary server of the KFS WebSDR, located six miles south of Half Moon Bay, California USA.
This facility was established by Craig, W6DRZ (sk) and is maintained by a group of local and remote volunteers. A technical description, operating tips, and updated propagation information
may be found on the ABOUT page.
More information on the worldwide WebSDR project can be found on www.websdr.org.
An outstanding alternate system in the Western USA is Northern Utah WebSDR,
north of Salt Lake City. For HF reception from the East coast, use either NA5B WebSDR in Washington, D.C. or the K3FEF WebSDR in Pennsylvania.
This server covers bands/frequencies not covered by the main server, using hardware that is on-site as a backup to the main server.
If you are looking for the main KFS WebSDR server (#1) you may find it here: websdr1.kfsdr.com:8901
This server presently covers the following bands:
160 Meters: About 90% of the 160 meter band is covered using the "SouthWest" TCI-532 antenna: This antenna is being used below its design frequency and as such, its coverage is more or less omnidirectional. Due to on-site equipment, there is some interference present on this receiver: We are looking into the sources of these signals.
12 Meters: This band is covered in its entirety.
10 Meter FM: The top portion of the 10 meter band (FM, repeaters). There is a gap (from approx. 28.65-29.00 MHz) between the coverage of this receiver and the 10 meter receiver on the main server.
It may be possible to add coverage of other frequency segments in the future - let us know your thoughts about this.
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Since Java version 7u51, Java needs to be enabled separately for each website; see http://websdr.org/java.html for instructions.
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USB CW RX:Check box, or put ?usbcw in the URL for USB CW reception.
CW uses a center frequency of 750 Hz and LSB by default.
PassBand Tuning (PBT):
Use buttons to select BW/mode or drag passband edges on frequency scale. PBT/IF Shift by Weert Websdr.Logbook:Time, frequency, your name/call, and DXCC information are added automatically.
View the last 20 lines of the logbook,
or the entire logbook(opens new tab/window).
More info about Noise Reduction, Notch2 & High Boost here
Audio buffering:
More buffering may help with drop-outs or slow/jittery connections.
Vari-Notch (Hz): Off
CW Peak (Hz): Off
Ref. Tone
Gain control:
Try "Alt AGC" for better AM reception, particularly with QSB.
Audio recording:
Recorded audio includes any DSP filtering, Notch2 or High Boost. Your browser may not support downloading the recording; Try it anyway, but if it doesn't work, please try a recent version of Firefox, Chrome or Opera.
Audio channel:
Sig. strength plot:
Waterfall view:
Or use scroll wheel & dragging on waterfall.
Toggle "Hide labels" if labels are missing.
Actual CPU utilization percentage is 1/4th of the value shown above.